Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris)

The Rifleman bird is one of the smallest bird species found in North America. This tiny bird is about the size of a sparrow with a length of only 4.5 inches and a wingspan of 6 inches. The male and female of this species are nearly identical with olive-green feathers on their back, white underbelly, and rusty-red cap on their head.

One of the unique features of the Rifleman bird is their ability to climb trees like a woodpecker. They use their strong feet and sharp claws to move around the trunks of trees and even up-side-down along the branches in search of insects for their primary food source. However, they also eat seeds and small fruits occasionally when insects are not available.

Rifleman birds are known for their territorial behavior. The male of the species creates a territory with a diameter of approximately 100 yards and uses a variety of vocalizations to defend against other males. They also use their beak to drum the dead wood to create sounds to communicate with other Rifleman birds. Their call is a simple high-pitched "see-see-see" sound.

These birds usually breed between late April and early August. After courtship, the female Rifleman bird lays up to seven eggs with an incubation period of about 15 days. The parents share the responsibilities of keeping the eggs warm and feeding their young. The chicks leave the nest only after 18-20 days, but they stay close to their parents for several weeks after leaving the nest before they are independent.

Unfortunately, the Rifleman bird population is declining due to habitat loss and fragmentation. They need mature and open forests for their survival, but deforestation and urbanization are taking away their natural habitat. Several conservation initiatives are in place to protect the Rifleman birds, including the preservation of forested areas and limiting urban development near their habitats.

In conclusion, the Rifleman bird is a unique and interesting species native to North America. Their climbing ability, territorial behavior, and vocalizations make them an intriguing bird to observe. With their population declining, it is essential to work towards their conservation and ensure these tiny birds continue to thrive in their natural habitats.

Other names

Acanthisitta chloris




acantisita bec d'alena



šumski palčac

pokřovník zelený




Xénique grimpeur




žalioji pita





Carić puškar

striežik zelenkavý

Acantisita verdoso




