Striated Thornbill (Acanthiza lineata)

The Striated Thornbill is a small passerine bird that belongs to the family Acanthizidae. It is found in Australia and New Guinea, and is also commonly known as the Yellow-rumped Thornbill.

The Striated Thornbill is a tiny bird, measuring only around 10 cm in length. It has a distinctive appearance, with a grey-brown head, olive-green back, and a prominent yellow patch on the rump. The wings and tail are also brown, with white and black spots.

These birds live in a wide range of habitats, including open woodland, heathland, and shrublands. They prefer areas with a lot of vegetation and are often seen flitting around in the undergrowth.

The Striated Thornbill is an insectivore, feeding primarily on small insects such as ants, spiders and beetles. They are also known to feed on nectar and seeds.

Breeding season for this bird occurs from July to December, with the exact timing varying depending on the region and climate. The female lays 2-4 eggs in a small cup-shaped nest made from grass, bark, and other plant materials.

Although the Striated Thornbill is not considered endangered, habitat loss and degradation due to human activities pose a threat to their populations. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their habitats and ensure their survival.

In conclusion, the Striated Thornbill is a small but striking bird that inhabits a variety of habitats throughout Australia and New Guinea. While their populations are currently stable, it is important to ensure that their habitats are protected to prevent their decline.

Other names

Acanthiza lineata



Striated Thornbill

acantiça pintada



prugastoglava trnokljunka

střízlíkovec blahovičníkový

Stribet Mejsesanger



Acanthize ridé


Beccospino striato


dryžasis spygliasnapis


buszówka kreskowana


Полосатая шипоклювка

Prugasta trnokljunka

ostrozobka čiarková

Acantiza estriada

strimmig taggnäbb

Çizgili Dikengaga

шиподзьоб смугастоволий