Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza uropygialis)

The Chestnut-rumped Thornbill is a small, colorful bird measuring just 8 centimeters in length. It is found in the woodlands and open forests of southern and eastern Australia.

This bird is easily recognizable due to its distinct chestnut-colored rump, as well as its olive-brown upperparts with white flecks. It has a pale yellow throat, a black bill, and a distinctive black eye stripe.

The Chestnut-rumped Thornbill mostly feeds on insects, using its sharp bill to pick out small insects, spiders, and other invertebrates from bark, foliage, and twigs. It may also feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.

These birds tend to live in small flocks, and they are often seen flitting around in the woodlands and forests. They build their nests in tree crevices, using grass, bark, and other materials to create a cup-shaped structure. Females lay three to four small eggs and incubate them for about two weeks.

The Chestnut-rumped Thornbill is not considered a vulnerable species, but it may face threats in the form of habitat loss due to land clearing and fragmentation. Additionally, it may face competition for nesting sites from invasive species like the Common Starling.

Overall, the Chestnut-rumped Thornbill is a charming and unique bird that adds to the diversity of Australia's avifauna. Its distinctive features and behaviors make it a favorite among birdwatchers, and efforts should be made to protect its habitat and ensure its continued survival.

Other names

Acanthiza uropygialis



Chestnut-rumped Thornbill

acantiça de carpó rogenc



crnorepa trnokljunka

střízlíkovec světlebřichý

Rødgumpet Mejsesanger



Acanthize à croupion roux


Beccospino groppacastana


rudasturplis spygliasnapis


buszówka rudorzytna


Буропоясничная шипоклювка

ostrozobka bútľavinová

Acantiza culirroja

rödgumpad taggnäbb

Kestane Belli Dikengaga

шиподзьоб рудогузий