Red-thighed Sparrowhawk (Accipiter erythropus)

The Red-thighed Sparrowhawk, scientifically known as Accipiter erythropus, is a small bird of prey found in the African continent. This bird is also known as the Red-thighed Falcon or the Red-legged Sparrowhawk.

The male and female birds look different from each other. The male Red-thighed Sparrowhawk is significantly smaller than the female and has a grey-blue back, a black head, and reddish-brown thighs. The female bird has a brownish-black back with a reddish-brown breast, and white, thick stripes on its tail and under its wings.

These birds prefer a wooded habitat, where they can easily hunt for prey from the forest canopy. They feed on small birds, reptiles, insects and sometimes, small mammals. They are also known to hunt at nesting sites, where they can catch adults as well as young. To hunt their prey, the Red-thighed Sparrowhawk use their sharp talons and beaks to tear their prey apart.

This species is generally solitary but can be found during the breeding season, when they come together to mate. The breeding season for these birds is during the wet months, from September to March. The female bird lays between two to four eggs in a nest made of twigs and leaves. The male bird helps in providing food to the female and the nestlings until they are ready to leave the nest.

One of the more remarkable features of this bird is their ability to mimic sounds. They can mimic the calls of other bird species, making it difficult for their prey to recognize potential danger.

The Red-thighed Sparrowhawk is a protected species, with their populations considered stable. However, like many other species, they are threatened by habitat loss due to deforestation in their natural environment.

In summary, the Red-thighed Sparrowhawk is a fascinating bird of prey. They are known for their hunting skills, mating habits, and mimicry abilities. While they are not currently at risk of extinction, they are still vulnerable to habitat degradation, and conservation efforts are necessary to ensure their long-term survival.

Other names

Accipiter erythropus



Red-thighed Sparrowhawk

esparver menut cama-roig



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