Madagascar Swamp Warbler (Acrocephalus newtoni)

The Madagascar swamp warbler, also known as the Malagasy swamp warbler or Randrianasolo's swamp warbler, is a small passerine bird that is found exclusively on the island of Madagascar. The scientific name of this bird is Acrocephalus newtoni and it belongs to the family Acrocephalidae.

The Madagascar swamp warbler is a small bird, measuring about 12 to 14 centimeters in length, with a wingspan of about 17 to 19 centimeters. It has a grey-brown or olive-brown plumage on its upper body, while its underparts are white or creamy in color. The bird's bill is long and pointed, and it has a distinctive black tip. Its legs and feet are also black in color.

The Madagascar swamp warbler is a secretive bird that prefers to live in areas of dense vegetation. It is found in wetlands, including swamps, marshes, and reed beds, where it can be heard singing its melodious song. The bird's diet consists mainly of insects and other small invertebrates, which it finds by foraging among the vegetation.

One of the remarkable aspects of the Madagascar swamp warbler is its breeding behavior. The bird constructs a cup-shaped nest out of grass and twigs, which is usually built on the ground among the vegetation. The female lays 2 to 3 eggs, which are incubated by both parents for about 11 to 12 days. The chicks are then fed by their parents until they are able to fly, which usually takes about 12 to 15 days.

The Madagascar swamp warbler is considered to be a vulnerable species due to the destruction of its habitat by deforestation and the development of agriculture. The bird's population is also threatened by the introduction of non-native predators, such as rats and cats. The conservation of this species requires the protection of its habitat and the implementation of measures to control the introduction of non-native predators.

In summary, the Madagascar swamp warbler is a small and secretive bird that is found only on the island of Madagascar. It is known for its beautiful song and breeding behavior, and it is threatened by habitat destruction and the introduction of non-native predators. The conservation of this species is important for the preservation of Madagascar's unique biodiversity.

Other names

Acrocephalus newtoni



Madagascar Swamp Warbler

boscarla de Madagascar



madagaskarski trstenjak

rákosník madagaskarský




Rousserolle de Newton


Cannaiola del Madagascar


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Мадагаскарская камышевка

Madagaskarski trstenjak

trsteniarik madagaskarský

Carricero malgache


Madagaskar Kamışçını

очеретянка мадагаскарська

madagaskari roolind

madagaszkári nádiposzáta