Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola)

The Aquatic Warbler is a small passerine bird that belongs to the family of Locustellidae. It is one of the rarest migratory passerines in the world, and its numbers are in decline due to habitat loss and degradation of wetland habitats. The Aquatic Warbler is a small, brown-colored bird with a white underbelly and a prominent, pale eyebrow. It measures about 12 cm in length and weighs only 12 to 17 g.

The Aquatic Warbler is a migratory bird that breeds in the wetland habitats of Europe and temperate Asia. It is widely distributed in Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine. During the autumn, the Aquatic Warbler migrates to Africa to spend the winter season.

The Aquatic Warbler is exclusively associated with wetland habitats, the loss of which has resulted in its decline. The species requires a particular combination of nesting conditions for successful breeding, including tall sedge vegetation or reed beds with shallow water. The birds generally nest in groups, and their nests are woven into the vegetation of their habitat. The Aquatic Warbler is also dependent on open patches of mud within its breeding habitat for feeding, which comprises of insects and their larvae.

During the autumn migration, Aquatic Warblers require stopover habitats along their route where they can feed and rest before they continue their journey to Africa. Loss of stopover sites within the species' migration route, including wet meadows in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Switzerland, is also threatening the survival of the Aquatic Warbler.

Several conservation organizations have launched international efforts to protect the Aquatic Warbler and its habitat, including the Aquatic Warbler Conservation Project and BirdLife International. The project aims to reduce the threat to the birds' habitat and create stopover sites and has resulted in the stabilization of the Aquatic Warbler's population in several European countries.

In conclusion, the Aquatic Warbler is a critically endangered bird species that is symbolically linked to the European wetlands, and is dependent on the natural cycles of water and vegetation. It is important that scientific and social measures be taken to protect the species and its habitat, which is vital to maintain the ecological balance and biodiversity of the wetlands.

Other names

Acrocephalus paludicola



Aquatic Warbler

boscarla d'aigua



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rákosník ostřicový




Phragmite aquatique




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