Rimatara Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus rimitarae)

The Rimatara Reed Warbler is a small, elusive bird species that is endemic to the Rimatara Island of French Polynesia. This bird species belongs to the Acrocephalus genus, and it is one of the rarest bird species in the world. The Rimatara Reed Warbler bird is a passerine bird, which is characterized by its small size, slender body, and short tail. The bird's upper parts are brownish-grey, and its underparts are white or cream-colored, with a distinct whitish stripe above the eye.

The Rimatara Reed Warbler bird is typically found in dense vegetation, such as reed beds, tall trees, and bushes, which offer shelter and food. Their diet usually consists of insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. This bird species is known for its distinctive and melodious song, which consists of a series of high-pitched notes.

The breeding season for the Rimatara Reed Warbler bird is from July to September. During this time, they build nests made of twigs, grass, and other plant materials. The nests are typically located in the dense vegetation, where they are well-concealed. The female Rimatara Reed Warbler bird lays 2-3 eggs, which are incubated for about 13-14 days. The chicks are fed by both parents until they are ready to fledge, which usually takes about 12-14 days.

The Rimatara Reed Warbler bird population has been declining for several years due to habitat loss caused by human activities, such as logging, farming, and land development. In addition, Polynesian rats, cats, and other invasive species have preyed on the bird nests, reducing their reproductive success. To ensure the survival of this bird species, conservation efforts have been initiated to protect its habitat, control invasive species, and raise awareness about the importance of preserving biodiversity.

In conclusion, the Rimatara Reed Warbler bird is an important species that plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Its distinctive song and behavior make this bird species a valuable asset to the natural world, and conservation efforts should be made to protect it from extinction.

Other names

Acrocephalus rimitarae



Rimatara Reed Warbler

boscarla de l'illa Rimatara



rimatarski trstenjak

rákosník rimatarský




Rousserolle de Rimatara


Cannaiola di Rimatara


rimatarinė nendrinukė


trzciniak plamisty


Римитарасская камышевка

trsteniarik rimatarský

Carricero de Rimatara


Rimitara Kamışçını

очеретянка риматарська

rimatara roolind

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