Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius)

The Spotted Sandpiper is a small shorebird species that belongs to the Scolopacidae family. It is found throughout North and South America, breeding in freshwater areas and migrating to coastal regions during the winter.

Distinctive Physical Characteristics

The Spotted Sandpiper has a unique physical appearance with a plump body, a slender neck, and short legs. Adults have a brown back with black and white spots, which are more prominent during breeding season. Both males and females have a white belly and a distinctive breast band. The male bird has a bolder and more pronounced black breast band, while the females have a brownish breast band. The bill is small, dark, and pointed.

Behavioral Characteristics

Spotted Sandpipers are very active and agile birds, running along the water's edge while bobbing their tail up and down, a characteristic behavior called teetering. They are often seen alone or in pairs, but occasionally gather in small flocks. During the breeding season, males take on most of the parental responsibilities, incubating the eggs, and caring for the hatchlings. In contrast, females may mate multiple times, laying eggs in several different nests.

Diet and Habitat

Spotted Sandpipers feed on a wide range of insects, crustaceans, and other small aquatic creatures such as snails. They are found in freshwater areas during breeding season, including rivers, lakes, and streams. During migration, they can be found along coastal regions, including estuaries and mudflats.

Conservation Status

The Spotted Sandpiper is a species of least concern. Its populations have remained relatively stable over recent years, though habitat loss and pollution continue to threaten their breeding and feeding grounds.

In Conclusion

The Spotted Sandpiper remains a common and beloved sight in many locations throughout North and South America, thanks to its distinctive breeding plumage and unique behavioral characteristics, making it a favorite among bird watchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Other names

Actitis macularius



Spotted Sandpiper

xivitona maculada



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