Mountain Owlet-nightjar (Aegotheles albertisi)

The Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird is a unique species that belongs to the family of nocturnal birds known as Aegothelidae. This bird is found in the misty mountain forests of New Guinea, where it roosts in the dense foliage of trees and bushes during the day and actively hunts at night.

This bird is relatively small, typically measuring around 6 inches in length. It has dark brown and gray feathers, speckled with white, making it an excellent camouflage in the dimly lit forest canopy. One of the most distinctive features of the Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird is its large, expressive eyes, which are nearly invisible during the day, but become glowing orbs at night, allowing it to see prey more efficiently.

The Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird is primarily an insectivorous bird, feeding on a variety of flying and crawling insects such as moths, beetles, and spider. Unlike other nocturnal birds, the Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird has a unique hunting style of swooping low, elegant flight around the trees catching insects in mid-air, or by snatching them off the foliage.

One of the unusual behaviors that set this bird apart from the rest of the nocturnal species is its singing. Unlike most nocturnal birds, which are known for their haunting hoots and screeches, the Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird has a beautiful, melodious song. It sings a high-pitched, liquid-sounding trill, which can be heard from far away, echoing throughout the forest.

Regrettably, the Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird faces significant threats of habitat loss due to logging, deforestation, and other human activities, leading to the species being listed as Near Threatened. Conservation efforts such as protecting their habitat and raising awareness of their importance in the ecosystem are essential to ensuring their survival in the wild.

In conclusion, the Mountain Owlet-nightjar bird is a mesmerizing species with unique hunting and singing tactics. Its existence is crucial to maintaining the balance of the ecosystem in which it resides. Therefore, preserving their habitat and raising awareness about this exceptional bird is necessary to ensure its survival for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Aegotheles albertisi



Mountain Owlet-nightjar

egotel muntanyenc



planinska sovašica

lelčík horský

Lille Uglesvale



Égothèle montagnard


Egotele montano


kalninis pelėdinis varliažiotis


sownik górski


Горный совиный лягушкорот

Planinski sovasti leganj

lelčík horský

Egotelo montano


Dağ Egoteli

еготело гірський


hegyi kuvikfecske

Atoku gunung