Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus)

The Cinereous Vulture is a large bird of prey that inhabits vast areas of Eurasia and northern Africa, including Europe, parts of Russia, and the Middle East. It is one of the largest vultures in the world, with a wingspan of up to 3 meters and a weight of around 14 kilograms. The bird is also known as Aegypius monachus, and it belongs to the Accipitridae family of birds.

The Cinereous Vulture is primarily a scavenger, feeding on the carcasses of dead animals. It has a prominent bald head and neck that helps the bird to keep itself clean when feeding on carcasses. Its beak is strong and sharp, allowing the vulture to rip open the toughest animal hides and flesh. The bird has a keen sense of smell, which helps it to locate carrion from a distance. Often, they can fly up to 110km in one day in search of prey.

Cinereous Vultures are monogamous birds and form pairs that last for many years. The breeding season is during winter, and the bird builds its nest on steep cliffs or trees. The female bird lays one or two eggs, which hatch after about 50-60 days of incubation. Both parents take care of the chicks, who leave the nest at about 100-120 days old.

Cinereous Vultures face numerous threats, including loss of habitat, poisoning by hunters, and collision with power lines and wind turbines. In addition, in some cultures, they are hunted for their body parts, believed to have medicinal properties.

Efforts have been made to conserve the bird's population. Several countries have established programs, including breeding programs, to help increase the bird's numbers. There have also been campaigns to create awareness about the Cinereous Vulture and other birds of prey, and the importance of preserving their habitat, which is critical to the survival of several other species.

In conclusion, the Cinereous Vulture is a magnificent bird of prey that plays an essential role in maintaining the ecological balance of its habitat. The bird's conservation is vital to preserving its beauty and for the welfare of other species in the ecosystem.

Other names

Aegypius monachus



Cinereous Vulture

voltor negre



sup starješina

sup hnědý




Vautour moine


Avvoltoio monaco


tamsusis grifas


sęp kasztanowaty


Чёрный гриф

Crni strvinar

sup tmavohnedý

Buitre negro


Kara Akbaba

гриф чорний




melnais grifs


rjavi jastreb
