Tahiti Swiftlet (Aerodramus leucophaeus)

The Tahiti Swiftlet bird, otherwise known as the white-rumped swiftlet, is a small bird found in the islands of French Polynesia. These birds belong to the swift family and are known for their distinct characteristics and habitat.

Tahiti Swiftlets are small birds, about 10 cm in length, with a wingspan of around 20 cm. They have dark bluish-black feathers on their backs and wings, while their bellies are a lighter greyish-white. Their namesake feature - a white rump - is seen as a patch on their lower back as they fly. Tahiti Swiftlets are highly adapted to flying and spend most of their lives on the wing, only landing to nest and roost.

Tahiti Swiftlets are found in the humid forests in the Society and Tuamotu Islands of French Polynesia. They are known to roost in caves and rock crevices to remain protected from predators. They build tiny nests, typically in clusters, using their saliva and moss to help bind the material into a structure. They lay a single white egg inside the small cup-shaped nest, which they incubate for around three weeks. The chicks are born without feathers and are entirely dependent on their parents, who take turns feeding them with regurgitated food.

One of the unique characteristics of the Tahiti Swiftlet is its echolocation. They use a series of high pitched squeaks, too high for the human ear to detect, to help navigate through their dark and narrow roosting places. This characteristic helps them to avoid colliding with the rocky cave walls and other swiftlets.

Despite being listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Tahiti swiftlet has been able to maintain its populations due to the strict monitoring of their habitats and the prohibition on the collection of their nests. They have also adapted to nesting in man-made structures, including buildings and bridges, which provide them with alternative nesting sites.

In conclusion, the Tahiti Swiftlet is a fascinating bird with many unique adaptations that help it to survive in its environment. They play a vital role in maintaining the sustained ecosystem of the islands they inhabit. Conservation efforts aimed at maintaining their habitat and monitoring their populations are necessary to ensure the continued survival of this amazing species.

Other names

Aerodramus leucophaeus



Tahiti Swiftlet

salangana de la Polinèsia



polinezijska čiopica

salangana tahitská




Salangane de la Société


Salangana di Polinesia


polinezinis erodramas


salangana czarna


Таитянская салангана

Polinezijska čiopica

salangána čierna

Salangana polinesia


Polinezya Yelyutanı

салангана таїтійська

polüneesia salangaan

tahiti szalangána