Bohol Sunbird (Aethopyga decorosa)

The Bohol Sunbird is a small bird species that is endemic to the Philippine island of Bohol. It is also known as the Olive-backed Sunbird or the Philippine Sunbird.

The Bohol Sunbird has a bright and distinctive plumage in which the male has a bright blue head, a metallic green back, and an orange-yellow breast, while the female has a duller olive-brown body and a yellow, green, or blue tail. Besides, both males and females have a visible, downward-curving beak with a sharp point that they use to feed on nectar.

The Bohol Sunbird primarily feeds on nectar, but it also enjoys small insects like spiders, flies, and ants. During feeding times, it flaps its wings rapidly, hovering near flowers before dipping its beak into the flower to extract the nectar. It also drinks nectar from damaged flowers and fruits.

In terms of habitat, the Bohol Sunbird is found in a range of forest habitats, such as primary and secondary forests, as well as forest edges. The species prefers to live in high trees and avoids low-lying areas or forests with much canopy coverage.

The Bohol Sunbird is distinguished for its unique behavior. It is an active bird that can fly long distances while keeping its wings in constant movement. It is also known for its melodious and penetrating song that serves to proclaim its territory or attract a mate.

The Bohol Sunbird is listed as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, habitat destruction, climate change, and human activities are significant threats to these birds' survival. Projects such as birdwatching tourism and preserving forest habitats where the Bohol Sunbird lives can help conservation efforts for these lovely creatures.

Other names

Aethopyga decorosa



Bohol Sunbird






Souimanga de Bohol




kwiatownik lśniący


Бохольская острохвостая нектарница

nektárovka boholská


Bohol Dağ Nektarkuşu

сіпарая богольська