Lina's Sunbird (Aethopyga linaraborae)

The Lina's Sunbird, also known as the Lina's Masked Sunbird, is a brightly colored and beautiful bird species found in the tropical forests of Eastern and Central Africa. The scientific name of this bird is Nectarinia basilidis.

Lina's Sunbird is a small-sized bird that usually measures about 11.5 cm in length and weighs around 10 - 13 grams. It has a long, slender bill that is perfectly adapted for sipping nectar from flowers. Its wings and tail are short and pointed, and its bright plumage is a striking combination of blue, purple, green, and red. Males have more colorful and vibrant feathers than females, making it easy to distinguish between the two sexes.

These birds are known for their acrobatic flight, with their quick wing-beat enabling them to hover in front of flowers. The Lina's Sunbird mostly feeds on nectar and insects, and they also supplement their diet with small spiders and other arthropods. They can be seen perching on flowers, injecting their long beaks into the blossoms' base to extract nectar, and pollinating flowers while feeding.

Lina's Sunbird is known for its melodious calls, consisting of a series of cheeps and tweets. They are monogamous and breed during the rainy season. The males are famous for their courtship display, where they puff up their chest, spread their wings, and dart back and forth to impress the females.

Lina's Sunbird is a commonly sighted bird and is not listed as threatened, although their habitats are at risk from unsustainable agricultural practices, human settlements, and deforestation. However, some initiatives have been put in place to conserve these beautiful birds, such as ecotourism, bird-watching safaris, and education campaigns aimed at raising awareness about their conservation.

In conclusion, the Lina's Sunbird is a beautiful, small-sized bird found in the tropical forests of Eastern and Central Africa. With its vibrant plumage and acrobatic flight, this bird is a delight to watch. However, their habitats are under threat, and it's essential to conserve them to ensure their survival.

Other names

Aethopyga linaraborae



Lina's Sunbird

suimanga de Lina



smaragdnočeli medosas

strdimil mindanajský


Lina's Honingzuiger


Souimanga de Lina


Nettarinia di Lina


Linos smailiauodegė nektarinukė


kwiatownik niebieskouchy


Острохвостая нектарница Лины

nektárovka zlatá

Suimanga de Lina


Lina Nektarkuşu

сіпарая синьощока