Temminck's Sunbird (Aethopyga temminckii)

Temminck's sunbird (Nectarinia bocagii) is a small, brightly colored bird that belongs to the family Nectariniidae. This species of sunbird is named after the Dutch ornithologist Coenraad Jacob Temminck, who first described it in 1820.

Temminck's sunbird is found in central and eastern Africa, from Kenya and Tanzania all the way down to South Africa. Its preferred habitat is open woodland and savanna, where it can easily feed on nectar from flowering plants. The bird's range is quite extensive, making it one of the most widely distributed sunbirds on the continent.

Male Temminck's sunbirds are striking, with emerald green upperparts and a bright crimson breast and belly. The wings and tail are black, and the bill is long and thin, perfectly adapted for feeding on nectar. Female sunbirds are less colorful, with a muted greenish-yellow coloration. Both sexes have a long, curved bill, adapted for sipping nectar from the deep flowers of their favored plant species.

Temminck's sunbirds are highly active and acrobatic birds, flitting through the air and hovering in front of flowers while they feed. They are often spotted in pairs or small family groups, and they are known for their musical, high-pitched song. During courtship, male sunbirds soar over the female, showing off their bright plumage and performing an aerial display of loops and dives.

Although Temminck's sunbirds are not currently considered endangered, they are vulnerable to habitat loss and climate change. They are important pollinators for many species of plants, and their disappearance from an area would have a significant impact on the ecosystem. Conservation efforts are underway to help protect these colorful and important birds, and to ensure that they continue to play their vital role in the natural world.

Other names

Aethopyga temminckii



Temminck's Sunbird

suimanga de Temminck



grimiznorepi medosas

strdimil vousatý

Rødhalet Solfugl

Temmincks Honingzuiger


Souimanga de Temminck


Nettarinia di Temminck


Teminko smailiauodegė nektarinukė


kwiatownik czerwony


Краснохвостая острохвостая нектарница

nektárovka červená

Suimanga de Temminck


Temminck Nektarkuşu

сіпарая кармінова

Burung-madu ekor-merah
