Vigors's Sunbird (Aethopyga vigorsii)

The Vigors's Sunbird is a small, brightly colored bird found mainly in northeastern Africa. It is also known by the name of the Tacazze Sunbird after the Tacazze river of Ethiopia.

The Vigors's Sunbird has a long, curved bill that is perfectly adapted for feeding on nectar from flowering plants. Its plumage is predominantly iridescent green, with a metallic blue head and throat, and a purplish chest. The male has a distinctive, glittering red patch on its throat, which shines like a jewel in the sunlight. The female is less brightly colored than the male, with a more subdued green and brown plumage.

This species of sunbird is found in a variety of habitats including forest edges, savannas, and gardens. It has a wide distribution across several countries in northeastern Africa, including Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, and Somalia. Its population is believed to be stable and is considered to be a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The Vigors's Sunbird is a nectar feeder and feeds mainly on the nectar of various flowering plants such as Aloe vera and Euphorbia, but it also feeds on insects, particularly spiders. It is highly agile and is capable of hovering in front of a flower while feeding, similar to a hummingbird.

In terms of breeding, the Vigors's Sunbird typically lays two eggs in a small, cup-shaped nest made from grasses, twigs, and spider webs. The nest is usually found in the fork of a tree branch or on the edge of a bush. The female generally takes care of the incubation and feeding of the chicks, while the male defends the territory and assists in feeding the young.

Overall, the Vigors's Sunbird is a beautiful and fascinating bird that is unique to northeastern Africa. Its exquisite plumage and remarkable adaptation for feeding on nectar make it a true gem of the avian world.

Other names

Aethopyga vigorsii



Vigors's Sunbird

suimanga de Vigors



grimiznogrli medosas

strdimil západoindický

Vestlig Karminsolfugl

Vigors' Honingzuiger


Souimanga de Vigors


Nettrainia cremisi occidentale


Vigorso smailiauodegė nektarinukė


kwiatownik indyjski


Малабарская острохвостая нектарница

nektárovka šarlátová

Suimanga de Vigors


Vigors Nektarkuşu

сіпарая вогниста