Red-shouldered Blackbird (Agelaius assimilis)

The Red-shouldered Blackbird is a small bird that is native to North America. It is known for its vibrant red shoulder feathers, which can be seen clearly when it is in flight or displaying. The rest of the bird's feathers are black, making for a striking contrast.

Red-shouldered Blackbirds are typically found in wetland habitats, such as marshes, swamps, and bogs. They are also commonly found near bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. These habitats provide the birds with the food and nesting materials they need to survive.

In terms of diet, Red-shouldered Blackbirds feed on a variety of insects, including dragonflies, grasshoppers, and beetles. They also eat small fish, crustaceans, and tadpoles. They tend to forage in the water or on the ground, using their sharp beaks to pluck their food from the soil or water.

During the breeding season, male Red-shouldered Blackbirds perform elaborate displays to attract mates. These displays involve puffing up their feathers, raising their wings, and singing loudly. Once a mate has been secured, the male and female build a nest together. The nest is typically located in a wetland area, and is made of grasses, reeds, and other plant materials.

Red-shouldered Blackbirds are considered to be of least concern in terms of conservation status. However, they are still threatened by habitat loss and degradation, as wetland habitats continue to be drained and developed. Additionally, they are sometimes hunted by humans or preyed upon by larger birds, such as hawks and eagles.

Overall, the Red-shouldered Blackbird is a beautiful and impressive bird that plays an important role in many wetland ecosystems across North America.

Other names

Agelaius assimilis



Red-shouldered Blackbird

sergent de Cuba



crvenokrili vranjak

vlhovec červenoramenný

Rødskuldret Stærling



Carouge de Cuba


Ittero spallerosse


kubinis juodasis trupialas


epoletnik kubański


Краснокрылый чёрный трупиал

Američki kos crvenih ramena

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Sargento cubano


Al Omuzlu Karatavuk

еполетник кубинський