Arfak Catbird (Ailuroedus arfakianus)

The Arfak Catbird is a small, colorful songbird that belongs to the family Ptilonorhynchidae and is scientifically known as Ailuroedus arfakianus. Endemic to the island of New Guinea, the Arfak Catbird inhabits the mountainous rainforests in the Papuan region of the island, primarily at elevations between 1,200 to 2,000 meters. This bird is named after the Arfak Mountains, which is its primary habitat.

The Arfak Catbird is a small bird, measuring approximately 27 to 30 cm in length and weighing around 90 to 140 grams. It has a rich, dark brown head that fades into a deep blue neck and back, which contrasts sharply with its bright white underparts. Its bill is large and black, and it has a long thin tail. The wing coverts of the Arfak Catbird are a lustrous blue, and the wings themselves are dark brown in color.

The Arfak Catbird is known for its loud and complex vocalizations, which have been compared to a cat’s meow, hence the name “Catbird”. It is capable of mimicking the sounds of other birds and animals, and its incredibly versatile range and inflexions has earned it the reputation of being one of the most accomplished songsters in the bird world.

Like many of its family members, the Arfak Catbird is primarily a frugivorous bird, feeding on a variety of fruit and seeds. However, it also feeds on insects, spiders, and other arthropods found among the forest undergrowth. It forages for food in the understorey and mid-storey levels of the rainforest, often hopping from branch to branch on the forest floor.

Despite being relatively common in its natural habitat, little is known about the breeding behavior of the Arfak Catbird. It is known that they build a cup-shaped nest out of twigs and leaves, which is often placed on a branch in the understorey. The female lays two eggs, which are incubated for approximately 21 days before hatching.

Unfortunately, deforestation and habitat loss pose a significant threat to the long-term survival of the species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has classified the Arfak Catbird as being of “Least Concern” on the Red List of Threatened Species, but this status may become threatened in the future if conservation measures are not taken to preserve their habitat and protect their populations.

Other names

Ailuroedus arfakianus



Arfak Catbird




Jardinier de l’Arfak




miauczek czarnogardły


Арфакская птица-кошка

Arfak mačkulja

šiatorník zelenoprsý


Arfak Kedikuşu

нявкун арфаканський