Green Catbird (Ailuroedus crassirostris)

The Green Catbird (Ailuroedus crassirostris) is a medium-sized bird native to the rainforests of eastern Australia. The bird is part of the large family of birds known as the Bowerbirds and is closely related to other catbirds such as the Spotted Catbird and the Black-eared Catbird.

The Green Catbird is known for its distinctive appearance, with its bright green plumage, red eyes, and a thick, down-curved bill. The upperparts of the bird are predominantly olive-green with a grey-colored head and a narrow, white eye-ring. The underparts of the bird are silver-grey with a yellowish tinge. The wings of the Green Catbird are short and rounded, while the tail is long and graduated with white tips on the outer feathers.

Green Catbirds are generally found in the dense rainforests covering eastern Australia, particularly in the coastal regions of New South Wales and Queensland. They are most commonly found in the undergrowth and low bushes of the forest, where they feed on insects, fruits, and berries. They are active during the day and are generally solitary birds, only pairing up with another bird during the breeding season.

During the breeding season, Green Catbirds construct a large, bulky nest made of twigs, bark, and grasses. The nest is built on a branch close to the ground and is lined with soft plant fibres. The female lays two to three eggs, which are incubated by both parents for approximately 22 to 24 days.

Unfortunately, Green Catbirds have experienced a decline in their population due to habitat fragmentation and loss of their natural forest habitat. They are now considered a vulnerable species, and conservation measures are being taken to protect their habitat and prevent further population decline.

In conclusion, the Green Catbird is a unique and beautiful bird native to the rainforests of eastern Australia. Its striking appearance and distinctive call make it a favourite among birdwatchers, but its population decline highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect this vulnerable species and its natural habitat.

Other names

Ailuroedus crassirostris



Green Catbird

arquer verd



zelena vrtlarica

lemčík tlustozobý

Grøn Kattefugl

Groene Katvogel


Jardinier vert


Uccello gatto verde


žaliasis katpaukštis


miauczek zielony


Зелёная птица-кошка

Zelena mačkulja

šiatorník zelený

Maullador verde

grön kattfågel

Yeşil Kedikuşu

нявкун зелений

austraalia kõutslind

vastagcsőrű nyávogómadár