Rusty Sparrow (Aimophila rufescens)

The Rusty Sparrow bird, scientifically known as Passer rutilans, is a small passerine bird species that belongs to the sparrow family Passeridae. They are also commonly referred to as the Russet Sparrow due to their reddish-brown plumage. This bird is native to the eastern parts of Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea.

Male Rusty Sparrows are distinguished by their distinct reddish-brown head and back, while females are less colorful with a subdued brownish-gray plume. Both genders have a small black bill, a long and slender tail, and a typical sparrow-like physique with a plump body, round head, and short wings.

These birds mainly inhabit open fields, grasslands, and rural areas with scattered trees. They are non-migratory and can withstand harsh environmental conditions. During the colder months, they gather in flocks, which can sometimes number in the thousands, for warmth and protection.

Rusty Sparrows are omnivorous and feed on a variety of seeds, insects, and small invertebrates. They forage on the ground, using a scratching motion with their feet to uncover food. They are also known to scavenge for scraps of food near human settlements.

During the breeding season, male Rusty Sparrows become territorial and perform elaborate courtship displays to attract females. They sing a sweet melodious song and fly up into the air, gliding back down with outstretched wings to impress their potential mates. Females build cup-shaped nests using twigs, grass, and feathers in trees or shrubs. They lay eggs from late April to early June, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs and raising the chicks.

The Rusty Sparrow has no major threats to its population and is widely distributed across its range. They are not considered to be a threatened or endangered species. Despite their relative abundance, they are not commonly seen by humans due to their preference for open fields and rural habitats. Overall, the Rusty Sparrow is a charming and resilient little bird that plays an important role in the ecosystem.

Other names

Aimophila rufescens



Rusty Sparrow

sit rovellat



hrđasti strnadar

strnádka rezavá

Rustisset Spurv



Tohi roussâtre


Passero rugginoso


rudoji aimofila


gajówek rdzawy


Рыжеспинная аимофила

Rđasti pipilo

strnádlik hrdzavý

Chingolo rojizo

rostryggig sparv

Pas Rengi Serçe

пінсон рудий