Oahu Akialoa (Akialoa ellisiana)

The Oahu Akialoa bird, also known as the Oahu Creeper, is a species of extinct Hawaiian bird that was endemic to the island of Oahu. It was a small, songbird-like bird that had a unique, curved beak that ended in a sharp point. This beak was used to probe into the crevices of trees and other vegetation to extract insects, which was the primary source of its diet.

The Oahu Akialoa was once common on the island of Oahu, but it is now extinct. The last known sighting of this bird was in 1940, and it is believed to have gone extinct due to habitat destruction, introduced predators, and disease. The loss of this species is a significant loss, as it was an important part of the Hawaiian ecosystem.

The Oahu Akialoa was known for its sweet singing voice and was often kept as a pet by the native Hawaiians. The bird was also significant in Hawaiian folklore and mythology. It was believed that the bird had healing powers, and its feathers were used in ceremonial garb.

Efforts to save the Oahu Akialoa are ongoing, but it is unlikely that the bird will ever be reintroduced into the wild. However, its story serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving the natural resources of our planet. The extinction of the Oahu Akialoa is a tragic loss, but it is not too late to prevent the extinction of other species.

In conclusion, the Oahu Akialoa bird was a unique and fascinating species that contributed to the biodiversity of the Hawaiian ecosystem. Its loss highlights the importance of preserving our natural resources and taking steps to prevent the extinction of other species.

Other names

Akialoa ellisiana



Oahu Akialoa



srpokljuna havajka

šatovník šavlozobý

Stor Akialoa



Akialoa d’Oahu


Akialoa maggiore


Grėjaus havajinis dalgiasnapis


hawajka sierpodzioba


Оахунская серпоклювка

Akialoa sa ostrva Oahu

havajčan dlhozobý

Akialoa de Oahu


Oahu Akialoası

акіалоа серподзьоба