Oriental Skylark (Alauda gulgula)

The Oriental Skylark, or Alauda gulgula, is a small, beautiful bird that is native to the South and Southeast Asian regions. It is commonly found in open grassy areas, agricultural lands, plains, and even urban areas. The bird is known for its melodious song that can be heard across long distances.

The Oriental Skylark is approximately 17 to 18 centimeters in length, with a wingspan of around 24 centimeters. It has a small head, a thick bill, and a broad tail. The bird has a brownish upper body, with dark streaks and spots on its breast and flanks. It has a white belly and a distinctive crest on top of its head, which it raises during flight.

The species is monogamous and generally solitary. During the breeding season, the male Oriental Skylark usually sings to attract a female mate and establish a territory. The female then constructs a nest on the ground from straw, grass, roots, and other materials, and lays three to six eggs. Both parents take turns in incubating the eggs and caring for the young.

The Oriental Skylark is largely granivorous and feeds on seeds, grains, and insects. It forages on the ground, often running and pecking at the soil, and occasionally catches insects on the wing. The bird has a remarkable adaptation for survival in arid environments, as it can survive for long periods without water.

Despite being widespread and common in many areas, the population of the Oriental Skylark has declined in recent years due to habitat loss and degradation. The bird is also hunted for food and captured for the pet trade. Conservation efforts are therefore necessary to protect the species from further decline and to maintain its important ecological role as a seed disperser and insect predator.

In conclusion, the Oriental Skylark is a small but important bird species that has adapted well to its environment and plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of its habitat. Its beautiful song is a reminder of the importance of conserving natural resources and protecting wildlife for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Alauda gulgula



Oriental Skylark

alosa oriental



istočna ševa

skřivan východní

Lille Sanglærke

Kleine Veldleeuwerik


Alouette gulgule


Allodola orientale


mažasis vieversys


skowronek orientalny


Индийский жаворонок

Istočna poljska ševa

škovránok krátkochvostý

Alondra oriental

mindre sånglärka

Küçük Tarlakuşu

жайворонок індійський


keleti pacsirta


austrumu cīrulis


orientalski škrjanec
