Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

The Common Kingfisher is a small brightly colored bird that is often referred to as the "River Kingfisher." It is commonly found in Asia, Europe, and North Africa and is widely recognized for its striking blue and orange plumage. The male and female both have the same vibrant-colored feathers, but the female has an additional orange-red color on her lower mandible.

The Kingfisher's preferred habitat is aquatic, and they are commonly found near slow-moving or still water areas such as streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. They are known to be territorial birds and defend their chosen habitat fiercely. The birds are generally solitary, only coming together during the breeding season, which is usually between late March and early May.

The Kingfisher bird's primary food is fish, but they also hunt shrimp, insects, and other small aquatic animals. When hunting, Kingfishers typically perch on a branch above the water and patiently wait for their prey. Once they spot a fish, they dive straight into the water with great speed and accuracy and use their long beaks to grab the fish. They catch prey by diving from a distance of up to 100 feet, meaning that they often have to adjust their eyesight to account for refraction in the water and judge the depth from the air.

The Kingfisher bird is known for its aerodynamic body structure, which makes it an agile and efficient flier. Their wings are short and rounded, allowing them to hover in place for extended periods, even in strong winds, which helps them stalk prey more efficiently. They can reach speeds of over 30 miles per hour and are also one of the rare bird species that can fly backward as well.

However, despite their colorful appearance and exceptional hunting skills, the Kingfisher bird is at risk of extinction in some regions due to the destruction of their natural habitat and overfishing. Conservation efforts have been made to protect the species, including measures such as protecting and restoring their nesting sites, reducing the use of pesticides in their habitat, and enforcing regulations to prevent overfishing.

In conclusion, the Common Kingfisher is a stunning and unique bird that plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of rivers and streams it inhabits. Working together to conserve the Kingfisher is paramount to enhance the bird's survival and protect the biodiversity of the varied aquatic ecosystems it calls home.

Other names

Alcedo atthis



Common Kingfisher

blauet comú




ledňáček říční




Martin-pêcheur d’Europe


Martin pescatore


paprastasis tulžys


zimorodek (zwyczajny)




rybárik riečny

Martín pescador común



рибалочка блакитний




Raja-udang erasia

zivju dzenītis


