Blue-banded Kingfisher (Alcedo euryzona)

The Blue-banded Kingfisher bird, scientifically referred to as Alcedo euryzona, is an exotic species native to the lush rainforests of Southeast Asia. Its vibrant blue and black plumage, unique morphology, and enchanting calls make it a popular bird among bird watchers and nature enthusiasts.

This bird measures about 20 cm in length and weighs around 50 grams. The blue-banded kingfisher's striking appearance is the combination of its bright blue back, wings, and tail, contrasted against a blackish-blue head, throat, and breast. Its bill is long and narrow, which helps it to hunt its prey with precision.

The blue-banded kingfisher is predominantly found in wet, primary forests near the streams, rivers, and swamps of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. This bird prefers to live in dense vegetation and can be identified by its high-pitched and distinctive calls.

The diet of the blue-banded kingfisher mainly consists of small fish, crabs, frogs, and insects. This bird hunts from a perch near water, diving into the water to catch its prey, and returns to its perch to eat.

The blue-banded kingfisher has a unique breeding behaviour. They are monogamous and show a strong bond with their partners during the breeding season. The female bird makes a tunnel-shaped nest using earth or sand to lay her eggs. The male feeds the female during the incubation period, which lasts for around three weeks.

Unfortunately, the populations of the blue-banded kingfisher face many threats, including habitat loss, deforestation, and degradation of river habitats, which have led to a decline in their numbers. They are also hunted for their bright feathers and have limited protection as they are not listed under the IUCN red list of threatened species.

In conclusion, the Blue-banded Kingfisher is a stunning bird species with unique characteristics that make it an important part of the ecosystem. Its decline is an unfortunate reality that should be addressed with conservation efforts to protect this bird's natural habitats and ensure their survival in the future.

Other names

Alcedo euryzona



Blue-banded Kingfisher

blauet de Java



tamnokrili vodomar

ledňáček modroprsý

Blåbåndet Isfugl



Martin-pêcheur à large bande


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melsvanugaris tulžys


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Полосатогрудый зимородок

Plavotrakasti vodomar

rybárik modroprsý

Martín pescador bandeado de Java

blåbandad kungsfiskare

Mavi Göğüslü Yalıçapkını

рибалочка смугастоволий


csíkosmellű jégmadár

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gozdni vodomec
