Blyth's Kingfisher (Alcedo hercules)

The Blyth's Kingfisher, also known as the black-backed kingfisher or Bengkulu kingfisher, is a striking bird species found in Southeast Asia. It was first described by Edward Blyth, an English zoologist, in 1851.

This beautiful bird is relatively small, measuring about 20 centimeters in length, with a wingspan of approximately 35 centimeters. It has a dark blue to greenish-blue head and upperparts, with a distinct black stripe running from the base of its bill to the nape of its neck. The underparts of the Blyth's Kingfisher are white, while its eyes are bright red.

The Blyth's Kingfisher is usually found in lowland forests, mangroves, and swamps. It is an elusive and secretive bird, often hiding among the dense vegetation and only revealing itself with its loud, piercing calls. It feeds mainly on fish, as its name suggests, but also takes other small prey such as crustaceans and insects.

These birds are known for their elaborate courtship displays, which involve the male presenting food to the female in order to win her over as a mate. They also nest near water sources, usually in tree hollows or cavities, where they lay their eggs during the breeding season.

Unfortunately, the Blyth's Kingfisher is considered a vulnerable species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This is due to the destruction of its habitat, as well as the threat of commercial and subsistence hunting, and it is therefore protected by law in many of the countries where it is found.

Despite being a relatively unknown bird, the Blyth's Kingfisher is a treasure of the natural world. Its beauty and unique behaviors make it a valuable addition to the ecosystems where it resides, and its conservation is of utmost importance in preserving the biodiversity of Southeast Asia.

Other names

Alcedo hercules



Blyth's Kingfisher

blauet de Blyth



veliki vodomar

ledňáček větší


Blyths IJsvogel


Martin-pêcheur de Blyth


Martin pescatore di Blyth


didysis tulžys


zimorodek duży


Большой голубой зимородок

Blitov vodomar

rybárik veľký

Martín pescador hércules


Blyth Yalıçapkını




veliki vodomec
