Spot-necked Bulbul (Alcurus tympanistrigus)

The Spot-necked Bulbul is a bird species belonging to the Pycnonotidae family. It is commonly found in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. This small-sized bird, with its unique markings and beautiful call, is a favorite of bird watchers and nature enthusiasts.

The Spot-necked Bulbul is known for its distinctive appearance, with black-colored wings, back and tail, and a gray-colored belly. The head and neck are olive-greenish with a white patch below the eye. The bird has a white ring around its eyes, giving it a beautiful and charming look. This stunning combination of colors makes the Spot-necked Bulbul one of the most visually appealing birds in the region.

In terms of behavior, the Spot-necked Bulbul is an active and vocal bird. Its unique and melodious call makes it easy for wildlife enthusiasts to spot and identify them. These birds usually travel in pairs or in small groups of up to six individuals and are typically found in dense forests, gardens, and other wooded areas.

The Spot-necked Bulbul is an omnivorous bird species. Its diet consists of both insects and fruits. It is known to feed on caterpillars, beetles, spiders, and other small insects. It also feeds on wild fruits, such as figs, berries, and small grapes. The bird has a strong beak that helps it to crack open tough fruits.

Breeding among the Spot-necked Bulbuls occurs from March to August. The bird species usually build their nests in thick shrubs or small trees. The female bird lays 2-3 eggs in the nest, which are incubated for about two weeks. The hatchlings are fed by both parents, who regurgitate food for them.

Overall, the Spot-necked Bulbul is an attractive bird species with unique physical features and a beautiful call. Its ability to thrive in different habitat types makes it a fascinating bird to observe. As with many species, their populations have faced threats from habitat loss, which highlights the importance of conservation efforts to preserve these beautiful birds.

Other names

Alcurus tympanistrigus



Spot-necked Bulbul

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