Barbary Partridge (Alectoris barbara)

The Barbary Partridge, also known as Alectoris barbara, is a small bird of the Phasianidae family. It is endemic to North Africa, specifically in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

This bird has a distinctive appearance, with brown and gray stripped feathers that blend perfectly with the rocky terrain in which it lives. It has a small head and round body with a short, sturdy beak that is well adapted to its herbivorous diet of seeds, fruits, and buds. The male and female Barbary Partridges look similar except for the slightly larger size of the male.

The Barbary Partridge is a ground-dwelling bird, which makes it vulnerable to predators such as foxes, eagles, and hawks. It is a highly social species and tends to live and move in groups of 10-20 individuals. During breeding season, males defend a territory around a female and will mate with multiple females if given the opportunity. Females will lay 8-12 eggs in a nest that is usually located in dense vegetation.

Due to the destruction of their natural habitat and the hunting pressure from humans and predators, the Barbary Partridge is considered a species of concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Although there are no exact numbers on the Barbary Partridge’s population, it is believed to be decreasing. Conservation efforts to protect the Barbary Partridge’s habitat and limit hunting have been implemented in North African countries, but more work needs to be done to ensure this beautiful bird is not lost to future generations.

In addition to their conservation value, Barbary Partridges are also hunted as game birds for meat and sport. In North African culture, hunting Barbary Partridges is a long-standing tradition. However, measures to promote sustainable hunting practices and limit the impact of hunting on populations are needed to ensure their long-term survival.

Overall, the Barbary Partridge is a unique and fascinating bird that is vital to the ecosystem of the Atlas Mountains. Conservation efforts must focus on preserving its natural habitat and limiting the impact of hunting to ensure that this beautiful species does not disappear from its native range.

Other names

Alectoris barbara



Barbary Partridge

perdiu de Barbaria



afrička jarebica

orebice berberská


Barbarijse Patrijs


Perdrix gambra


Pernice sarda


barzdotasis keklikas


góropatwa berberyjska


Берберийская каменная куропатка

Afrička kamenjarka

kuropta skalná

Perdiz moruna


Berberi Kekliği

кеклик берберійський

berberi kivikana

barnanyakú szirtifogoly


berberu irbe


afriška kotorna