Brown-cheeked Bulbul (Alophoixus bres)

The Brown-cheeked Bulbul is a small passerine bird that belongs to the family of Pycnonotidae. It is widely spread across South and Southeast Asia, especially in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Thailand. The bird is easily identifiable due to its distinctive features, which include an olive-green plumage, brown cheek patches, and a yellowish underbelly.

This bird is found mainly in dense forests, gardens, and shrublands. They prefer to live in a habitat where they can easily find an abundant supply of fruits, insects, and nectar to feed on. The Brown-cheeked Bulbul has a melodious whistle that it uses to alert other birds of danger or to attract mates. This whistle is a distinctive feature of the bird that sets it apart from other species of the same family.

The breeding season of this bird is between January and August. They build a cup-shaped nest made of twigs, leaves, and grass to lay their eggs. The female lays between two to three eggs, which she incubates for about two weeks before hatching. The chicks are born naked and blind and rely solely on their parents for food and protection.

Despite being widely spread, the Brown-cheeked Bulbul is listed as a species of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. The bird's population is believed to be stable, and it is not facing any significant threat. However, the destruction of their natural habitat due to deforestation and urbanization is a potential threat to their survival.

In conclusion, the Brown-cheeked Bulbul is a small bird with a distinctive whistle and a unique olive-green plumage, brown cheek patches, and yellowish underbelly. The bird is prevalent in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Thailand and can be found mainly in dense forests, gardens, and shrublands. Though it is not facing any immediate danger, the destruction of its natural habitat due to deforestation and urbanization could pose a threat to its survival in the future.

Other names

Alophoixus bres



Brown-cheeked Bulbul

bulbul coronat indonesi



smeđolici bulbul

bulbulec šedolící

Gråkindet Topbulbul



Bulbul brès


Bulbul guancegrigie


pilkaskruostis alofoiksas


szczeciak brązowolicy


Серощёкий манишковый бюльбюль

bylbyl bres

Bulbul bres

brunkindad bulbyl

Kahverengi Yanaklı Arapbülbülü

бюльбюль-бородань сірощокий

szürkearcú bülbül

Empuloh janggut
