White-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus flaveolus)

The White-throated Bulbul is a species of songbird that belongs to the family of Pycnonotidae, which is commonly known as Bulbuls. The scientific name of this bird is Pycnonotus xantholaemus. It is popularly found in the Asian continent, predominantly in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and China. They are known for their musical songs, which are sweet and melodious.

The White-throated Bulbul is a small bird, about 21 cm in length and weighs around 28 grams. The plumage of this bird is mainly olive-brown. Its belly is whitish, and the throat is white, which gives them their name. The bill and legs of this bird are black, which contrasts with their feather's color. The female bird looks similar to the male but has a slightly duller appearance.

These birds generally prefer dense forests, scrublands, and gardens, as they require dense foliage to build their nests. These birds are agile and active and often move around the trees in pairs or groups, hopping from branch to branch and singing sweetly.

White-throated Bulbuls are known to feed on small insects, fruits, and pollen. Their diet mainly includes caterpillars, beetles, spiders, and other small insects, and they also feed on fruits such as bananas, papayas, figs, and berries. They play a significant role in pollination, as they seek nectar from flowers.

These birds breed during the spring season and have a monogamous breeding system, where a male and female form an exclusive pair. Both the parents participate in nest-building, incubation, and feeding of their chicks. The nest of bulbuls is made up of twigs, grass, and other plant materials and is carefully hidden in thick shrubbery. Bulbuls lay 2-3 eggs in the nest during a breeding season.

The White-throated Bulbul population is not considered susceptible as a whole, and they have a stable population trend. However, habitat loss and deforestation pose a severe threat to this bird, which is essential for pollination and seed dispersal. Although this bird is not yet in the category of an endangered species, it's always good to take necessary steps to conserve these beautiful creatures.

Other names

Alophoixus flaveolus



White-throated Bulbul

bulbul coronat pitgroc



ćubasti bulbul

bulbulec bělohrdlý




Bulbul flavéole


Bulbul golabianca


baltagurklis alofoiksas


szczeciak białogardły


Серолобый манишковый бюльбюль

bylbyl hnedochochlatý

Bulbul frentigrís

vitstrupig bulbyl

Ak Boğazlı Arapbülbülü

бюльбюль-бородань білолобий

fehértorkú bülbül
