Palawan Bulbul (Alophoixus frater)

The Palawan Bulbul is a small bird species that belongs to the bulbul family, Pycnonotidae. This bird species is endemic to the Palawan islands of the Philippines and is known for its bright yellowish-green plumage.

The Palawan Bulbul is a small bird that grows up to 16-17 cm in length and weighs around 20-24 g. The bird has a yellowish-green head, neck, and body with a darker greenish-brown coloration on its wings and tail. Palawan Bulbuls are sexually dimorphic; male birds are more brightly colored than female birds.

The Palawan Bulbul inhabits the forested areas of Palawan and is usually found in lowland rainforests, secondary forests, and disturbed areas. The bird's diet primarily consists of fruits, insects, and occasionally small vertebrates.

The breeding season of the Palawan Bulbul is from March to June, and the bird's nest is cup-shaped and made of twigs and grass fibers. The female bird lays 2-3 eggs that hatch after an incubation period of 13-15 days. The chicks fledge after 14-15 days and become independent after a few weeks.

The Palawan Bulbul's natural habitat continues to be threatened by deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and agricultural development. The bird species is currently classified as Near Threatened (NT) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Conservation efforts are being made to protect the Palawan Bulbul's habitat and conserve its population. The establishment of protected areas, reforestation, and community-based conservation initiatives are some of the measures being implemented to safeguard the bird species. Additionally, research is ongoing to gather more information about the Palawan Bulbul's distribution, population, behavior, and breeding ecology.

In summary, the Palawan Bulbul is an endemic bird species of the Palawan islands and is known for its colorful plumage. The bird's habitat is threatened, and conservation efforts are necessary to ensure its survival. It is an important species for the ecological balance of the region and is a significant element of the biodiversity of the Palawan islands.

Other names

Alophoixus frater



Palawan Bulbul



smeđokruni bulbul

Palawan Bulbul



Bulbul de Sharpe




szczeciak palawański


Палаванский манишковый бюльбюль

Sivogrli bulbul

bylbyl hnedooký

Bulbul fraile


Palavan Gri Yanaklı Arapbülbülü

бюльбюль-бородань палаванський