Puff-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus)

The Puff-throated Bulbul bird, also known as the Grey-bellied Bulbul, is a small passerine bird that belongs to the family Pycnonotidae. It is a native bird of South and Southeast Asia, typically found in open woodlands, gardens, and parks. The bird is known for its unique appearance and beautiful vocalizations.

The Puff-throated Bulbul bird is about 18 cm in length, with a wingspan of around 27 cm. It has a distinct grey head and neck, with a buff-colored belly. The bird's throat is rather fluffy and has a white patch on it. They have a black mask on their eyes and a yellow iris. Their wings and tail are brown, and the tail feathers have white tips. The species' bill is short and curved, which makes it ideal for eating fruit and insects.

The Puff-throated Bulbul bird is an active and social bird species that lives in small flocks. They are quick and agile birds, snatching insects in-flight or plucking fruits from trees. They are usually found in forested areas, but they are more tolerant of human habitation than some other species. They are often seen in gardens, parks, and even backyards.

The species produces a range of musical calls, including sweet whistles, trills, and warbling songs. It communicates with other members of the flock using these vocalizations, and it is believed that the songs can vary depending on the bird's mood.

In terms of breeding, Puff-throated Bulbul birds typically breed during the monsoon season, starting in May or June. The breeding period lasts for about two to three months, and the species is known to breed in pairs or smaller groups. The female bird is responsible for constructing the nest, which is a cup-shaped structure made of twigs, leaves, and grass. The female usually lays two to three eggs, and both male and female birds take turns incubating the eggs.

In conclusion, the Puff-throated Bulbul bird is a fascinating bird species that has both beauty and charm. It is known for its unique appearance and sweet musical calls, making it a favorite among bird watchers. Despite its widespread distribution, the species is considered threatened due to habitat loss and degradation. Efforts are being made to conserve the species to ensure its survival for future generations.

Other names

Alophoixus pallidus



Puff-throated Bulbul

bulbul coronat pàl·lid



bradati bulbul

bulbulec jihoasijský

Lys Topbulbul

Bleke Baardbuulbuul


Bulbul pâle


Bulbul golapiumosa


pūkuotagurklis alofoiksas


szczeciak płowy


Бледнобрюхий манишковый бюльбюль

bylbyl sivolíci

Bulbul pálido


Solgun Arapbülbülü

бюльбюль-бородань великий

sápadthasú bülbül
