Grey-cheeked Bulbul (Alophoixus tephrogenys)

The Grey-cheeked Bulbul bird is a species of bird belonging to the Bulbul family. This bird is commonly found across countries in Southeast Asia, including Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its scientific name is Alophoixus bres, and it is a relatively small bird, measuring around 20 cm in length. This bird is known for its striking appearance, with a grey head and neck, white underparts, and a light grey-brown body.

The Grey-cheeked Bulbul bird can often be found in dense wooded areas, including subtropical and tropical forests. They are also known to inhabit gardens, parks, and cultivated areas. They are known to be quite vocal and can often be heard singing and calling to other birds. Their call is described as a series of whistles, trills, and warbles.

These birds are typically considered to be omnivorous, as they will feed on a variety of different foods, including insects, small fruits, and seeds. They are known to be quite active and agile when foraging for food, and they will often fly and hop from branch to branch in search of their next meal.

Despite their widespread distribution and relatively common status, the Grey-cheeked Bulbul bird has become the subject of conservation concern due to habitat destruction and loss of suitable habitats. In the past, these birds were often captured for the pet trade due to their attractive appearance and melodious singing. However, nowadays, this is prohibited by law, and steps are being taken to protect their natural habitats.

In conclusion, the Grey-cheeked Bulbul bird is a beautiful and melodious bird found in Southeast Asia. They are known for their striking appearance, active habits, and sweet-sounding calls. However, their habitats have been threatened and have, therefore, become a conservation concern. Efforts are being made to protect both the species and their habitats.

Other names

Alophoixus tephrogenys



Grey-cheeked Bulbul


pepeljastolici bulbul

Askekindet Topbulbul


Bulbul à joues grises


szczeciak szarolicy


Серощёкий манишковый бюльбюль

bylbyl olivovoprsý

Bulbul carigrís

gråkindad bulbyl

Boz Yanaklı Arapbülbülü