Greater Ground Robin (Amalocichla sclateriana)

The Greater Ground Robin bird is a unique species that is native to the forests of Southeast Asia. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a dark brown or black head, white throat, and reddish-brown feathers on its wings. The bird is also known for its round and plump body, which makes it easy to spot in its natural habitat.

The Greater Ground Robin is a ground-dwelling bird that prefers to live in densely forested areas with a lot of undergrowth. It is an omnivore, feeding on insects, fruit, and seeds. The bird is also known for its unique foraging habits, which involve scratching the ground with its beak to uncover food.

One of the most interesting things about the Greater Ground Robin is its mating behavior. During the breeding season, males will construct elaborate nests made from twigs and leaves on the ground. They will then perform a courtship dance in which they bob and weave their heads while singing a complex song. If a female is impressed by the male's performance, she will mate with him and lay a clutch of eggs in the nest.

Unfortunately, the Greater Ground Robin is considered an endangered species due to habitat loss and hunting. The destruction of forests for agriculture and development has put the bird's natural habitat at risk, while their meat and eggs are considered a delicacy in some parts of Southeast Asia. Conservation efforts are underway to protect the Greater Ground Robin and its habitat, but more work needs to be done to ensure the survival of this unique species.

In conclusion, the Greater Ground Robin bird is a fascinating and distinctive species that plays an important role in the ecosystems of Southeast Asia. As efforts to protect its natural habitat continue, it is important for people to learn about this bird and appreciate its unique beauty.

Other names

Amalocichla sclateriana



Greater Ground Robin

petroica terrestre grossa



veliki batić

lejsčík větší

Stor Bjergdrossel



Grande Pseudobrève


Petroica terragnola maggiore


didžioji Naujosios Gvinėjos liepsnelė


piechotek duży


Большой новогвинейский дрозд

pitovec veľký

Petroica terrestre grande

större trastsydhake

Büyük Yer Bülbülü

чиркач великий

Anis-papua besar