Uniform Crake (Amaurolimnas concolor)

The Uniform Crake bird, also known as the Marsh Crake or the Brown Crake, is a small, secretive bird that belongs to the family of rails. It is found in wetlands throughout much of the Americas, from Canada and the United States in the north to Argentina in the south. The bird is relatively common and widespread, although it can be difficult to see due to its secretive behavior and cryptic coloration.

The Uniform Crake is a small bird, measuring about 16-21 cm in length and weighing between 25-50g. It has brownish plumage with mottled markings on its back and wings. The feathers on its belly and underparts are a dull white or buff color, and its legs and beak are a dark gray or black. The bird has a short, straight bill and a rounded tail. It is easily distinguished from other crake species by its uniform plumage without any barring, except for some whitish streaks on the sides of its neck.

The Uniform Crake is a shy and elusive bird that typically stays hidden in dense vegetation near the edges of wetlands. It is mostly active during the early morning and late evening, and spends much of the day resting or preening in secluded spots. Although it is not a migratory bird, it may move locally in response to changes in water levels or food availability.

The bird feeds on insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish, which it often catches by probing in the mud or aquatic plants. It also feeds on seeds and other plant material. The Uniform Crake has a variety of vocalizations, including a loud, harsh call that sounds like "krek-krek-krek" or "kick-kick-kick", and a softer, more melodious trill.

The Uniform Crake is generally regarded as a species of "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), given its relatively wide distribution and stable population. However, the bird may face some threats from habitat loss and degradation, pollution, and hunting. Wetland conservation efforts and habitat restoration projects are crucial to maintain healthy populations of this and other waterbird species.

Other names

Amaurolimnas concolor



Uniform Crake

rascló unicolor



kestenjasta kokošica

chřástal stejnobarvý

Ensfarvet Rørvagtel

Effen Bosral


Râle concolore


Rallo uniforme


vienspalvė vištelė


chruścielak jednobarwny


Одноцветный пастушок

chriašteľ jednofarebný

Cotara café

enfärgad rall

Tek Renkli Yelve

пастушок бурий


egyszínű guvat