Pale-vented Bush-hen (Amaurornis moluccana)

The Pale-vented Bush-hen bird, scientifically known as Amaurornis Moluccana, is a species of bird found in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. These birds inhabit wetlands, marshes, and other types of freshwater habitats, and are known for their distinctive appearance and behavior.

The Pale-vented Bush-hen is a medium-sized bird, typically measuring between 27 to 33 centimeters in length and weighing approximately 140 to 200 grams. They have dark brown feathers with white speckles, and a pale-yellow vent area under their tail. The beak is short and red, and the eyes are orange.

These birds are highly territorial and will aggressively defend their territory from other birds and animals. When threatened, they will often raise their wings and tail feathers, revealing their pale-yellow underparts in an attempt to intimidate their attacker. Their flight is short and low to the ground, as they prefer to run or swim through the water.

The diet of Pale-vented Bush-hens mainly consists of insects, fish, and other small aquatic animals. They use their sharp beaks to catch their prey, and are also known to forage on the ground for seeds and fruits.

The breeding season of these birds varies depending on their location, but typically occurs during the rainy season. The male will construct a shallow nest made of grass and other plant materials, often near the water's edge. The female will lay 3-6 eggs, which are incubated for around 20-22 days. The newly hatched chicks are precocial, meaning they are able to move and feed themselves shortly after hatching.

Unfortunately, the Pale-vented Bush-hen is listed as a near-threatened species due to habitat loss and hunting pressure. Wetland development and conversion into agricultural land has resulted in a decrease in suitable habitat for these birds. Additionally, they are often hunted for their meat and eggs in some parts of their range.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect this species and their wetland habitats, including the establishment of protected areas and education programs to promote conservation awareness among local communities.

Other names

Amaurornis moluccana



Pale-vented Bush-hen

polla de les Moluques



riđorepa štijoka

chřástal molucký

Brunhalet Rørhøne

Moluks Waterhoen


Râle des Moluques


Rallo acquaiolo codarossiccia


raudonuodegis amaurornis


bagiewnik szaropierśny


Красногузый малый пастушок

Molučka barska kokica

kohútec nočný

Gallineta moluqueña

blekgumpad sumphöna

Soluk Etekli Yelve

багновик молуцький


vörösfarkú lápityúk

Kareo zaitun