Carrizal Seedeater (Amaurospiza carrizalensis)

The Carrizal Seedeater is a small species of bird that belongs to the family of finches. These birds are found primarily in open areas of the Carrizal region in Venezuela. They are known for their beautiful plumage and distinct appearance, making them a fascinating subject for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts.

The Carrizal Seedeater has a small body measuring up to 4.5 to 5 inches in length, and it has a relatively long tail that is pointed at the end. The males feature a beautiful black cap on their head, a dark blackish-brown breast, and a bright yellow belly. They also have a distinctive black mask around their eyes, which contrasts sharply with their otherwise bright yellow facial features. The females, on the other hand, have a dull olive-green color with streaks of brown.

These little finches are highly specialized seed eaters. They are mostly seen feeding on seeds of different grass and weed species such as Arechavaleta, Digitaria and Malvella. Carrizal Seedeaters usually feed in small flocks and very often in mixed groups together with other seed-eating birds like grassquits, seed-finches, and siskins — often foraging on the ground, where they can be seen hopping from one location to another.

Although the birds are common in the Carrizal area, they are becoming increasingly threatened, primarily due to habitat degradation and fragmentation. As their grassland habitat is being converted into agricultural land and pastures, the birds also lose their natural food sources. The Carrizal Seedeaters are also victims of illegal bird trade, being captured for their unique and colorful feathers.

Efforts are being made to conserve the Carrizal Seedeater by protecting their natural habitat through reforestation. The Venezuelan government has set up several protected areas where the birds can breed and forage for food without fear of human intervention. Collaborative research efforts, citizen science, and bird-watching events focused on Carrizal seedeaters are helping raise awareness on the need for the conservation of these little creatures.

Overall, the Carrizal Seedeater bird is an important contributor to the biodiversity of the Carrizal region in Venezuela and its conservation is important for the entire ecosystem. Their unique appearance and behavior make them fascinating creatures to observe and study, making it vital to protect them.

Other names

Amaurospiza carrizalensis



Carrizal Seedeater

menjagrà de canyar



venecuelski batač

louskač carrizalský




Évêque du carrizal


Beccasemi del carrizal


karizalinė amaurospiza


indygówka wenezuelska


Бамбуковая лысушка

Karizal zrnojed

pápežík bambusový

Semillero de Carrizal


Karrisal Kardinal İspinozu

семілеро венесуельський