Cabanis's Seedeater (Amaurospiza concolor)

Cabanis's seedeater is a species of bird that is part of the tanager family. It is native to South America, and can be found in a few specific regions, including the Andean foothills of central and northern Ecuador, as well as some parts of southern Colombia. This bird is small, measuring about 10 centimeters in length, and weighs around 10 grams.

One unique feature of the Cabanis's seedeater is its beak, which is specialized for cracking open tough seeds. This bird feeds primarily on seeds and insects, and is known for its ability to find and extract seeds from hard-to-reach places. It has been observed breaking open the pods of acacia trees to access the seeds inside.

The Cabanis's seedeater is known for its distinctive appearance, with a bright red patch on its forehead and a black mask around its eyes. The rest of its body is a dull grey-brown color, which helps it blend in with its surroundings when it is perched on tree branches or on the ground.

While the Cabanis's seedeater is not considered to be an endangered species, it is still vulnerable to habitat loss and other environmental threats. Like many other bird species in South America, the Cabanis's seedeater relies on a specific ecosystem to survive. If this ecosystem is disrupted or destroyed, the bird may struggle to find enough food or shelter to survive.

To protect the Cabanis's seedeater and other bird species in South America, it's important to take steps to conserve natural habitats and prevent deforestation. This may include supporting conservation organizations and lobbying governments to enact policies that protect these fragile ecosystems.

Overall, the Cabanis's seedeater is a fascinating and important bird species that plays an important role in the ecosystems of South America. By working together to protect habitats and prevent environmental destruction, we can help ensure that this and other bird species continue to thrive for generations to come.

Other names

Amaurospiza concolor



Cabanis's Seedeater

menjagrà blavós



louskač modrý

Blå Frøfinke



Évêque bleu


Beccasemi blu


mėlynoji amaurospiza


indygówka jasna


Синяя лысушка

Plavi zrnojed

pápežík smútočný

Semillero Azul


Mavi Kardinal İspinozu

семілеро синій

kék magvágó