Blackish-blue Seedeater (Amaurospiza moesta)

The Blackish-blue Seedeater bird, scientifically known as Amaurospiza moesta, is a small passerine bird species that belong to the Cardinalidae family. Also known as the Blue Seedeater, it is native to South America, particularly in the central and eastern regions of Brazil.

These birds are usually 12-13 centimeters long and have a weight of around 15-18 grams. They possess a striking blackish-blue plumage, with subtle grayish streaks on the chest and back. Male Blackish-blue Seedeaters have an even more striking appearance, with their bright turquoise blue heads and necks. Meanwhile, female Blackish-blue Seedears have a duller plumage with only a hint of blue on their crowns.

They are typically found in forest edges, scrublands, and other open habitats. These birds are known to be solitary creatures that are highly territorial during the breeding season. The Blackish-blue Seedeater breeds twice a year, with the first occurring between September-December while the second is between March-July.

Their diet mainly comprises of seeds, including rice, beans, and maize. They are known to forage on the ground or lower branches of plants, often in groups of 2-3.

The Blackish-blue Seedeater's song is a series of melodic, fast-paced notes that are given in a distinct pattern. The male birds usually use their powerfully melodious songs to defend their territories and establish their breeding rights over females.

Despite being widely distributed and relatively common throughout its range, the Blackish-blue Seedeater's numbers have steadily declined due to habitat destruction. The species is categorized as a "Least Concern" bird by the IUCN, but careful monitoring of their populations is needed to ensure their survival.

In conclusion, the Blackish-blue Seedeater is a fascinating bird species with a striking appearance and a distinct melodic call. While they are still present in their natural habitats, it is essential to ensure that adequate measures are taken to conserve their numbers and habitats to promote their long-term survival.

Other names

Amaurospiza moesta



Blackish-blue Seedeater

menjagrà pissarrós



bambusov batač

louskač černomodrý

Blåsort Frøfinke

Zwart-blauw Dikbekje


Évêque noirâtre


Beccasemi blunerastro


juosvoji amaurospiza


indygówka ciemna


Чёрно-синяя лысушка

Crno-plavi zrnojed

pápežík tmavý

Semillero negruzco

svartblå kardinal

Karaca Kardinal İspinozu

семілеро бразильський

fehérvállú magvágó