Yellow-naped Amazon (Amazona auropalliata)

The Yellow-naped Amazon bird is a species of parrot that belongs to the Amazona genre. It is a medium-sized parrot that is mostly found in Central America, particularly in the countries of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The Yellow-naped Amazon bird typically measures around 36 centimeters in length and weighs approximately 400 to 600 grams. These birds are easily identifiable because of their vibrant green feathers, yellow-colored nape, and the white patch located above their beak.

In terms of their diet, Yellow-naped Amazons consume a variety of fruits, seeds, nuts and other plant matter. They are known to be intelligent and social creatures that are capable of mimicking sounds and language that they hear from humans and other animals. Therefore, they are often popular as pet birds. However, it is essential to ensure that the bird is obtained from a reputable source and that they are properly trained to mimic only desirable sounds, such as words or phrases, and not undesirable ones like sounds that resemble screaming or alarms.

In the wild, Yellow-naped Amazons live in small to large flocks. They are monogamous and bond with a single partner for life. These birds are known to be vocal and make a variety of different sounds to communicate with each other or to defend their territory. They can also be quite territorial, particularly during the breeding season, when they will defend their nesting sites from intruders.

Unfortunately, the Yellow-naped Amazon bird is classified as an endangered species due to habitat loss, hunting for the illegal pet trade, and other human-related activities. Conservation efforts are underway to preserve their habitats and protect these birds from further harm. With increased public awareness about the importance of preserving the wildlife in their habitats, we can help to ensure the survival of the Yellow-naped Amazon bird and other species like them.

Other names

Amazona auropalliata



Yellow-naped Amazon

papagai de clatell groc



zelena amazonka

Gulnakket Amazone



Amazone à nuque d’or


Amazzone nucagialla


geltonsprandė amazonė


amazonka żółtoszyja


Желтошейный амазон

Amazonac žutog potiljka

amazoňan žltotylový

Amazona nuquigualda

gulnackad amazon

Sarı Enseli Amazon

амазон золотошиїй


sárgatarkójú amazon