Northern Mealy Amazon (Amazona guatemalae)

The Northern Mealy Amazon is a large parrot that belongs to the Amazona genus and is commonly found in the forests of South and Central America. With its strikingly beautiful plumage and highly intelligent nature, the Northern Mealy Amazon is a popular choice for bird lovers.

These birds are named after their unique appearance, which features a mealy texture on their plumage, which is a combination of black, white, and grey feathers. Both males and females exhibit similar coloration, although males are usually slightly larger than females.

Northern Mealy Amazons are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human voices and words. In fact, they are regarded as one of the best talking parrots in the world. They enjoy playing with toys and are highly social animals that enjoy interaction with their owners.

In the wild, they are mostly found in dense tropical forests, where they feed on fruits, nuts, and seeds. As they are highly intelligent birds, they require a varied diet that includes a range of fruits, vegetables, and nuts along with supplements to maintain their optimal health.

Northern Mealy Amazons are monogamous and mate for life. These birds are known for their deep family bonds and often share childcare responsibilities. They usually nest in tree hollows, where the female lays two to four eggs at a time, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs. The chicks remain dependent on their parents for a few months after birth.

Due to habitat loss and poaching, the Northern Mealy Amazon bird is listed as a vulnerable species. A number of conservation efforts are underway to protect these birds, particularly in regions where their populations are declining rapidly. As such, the Northern Mealy Amazon bird has become an important symbol of wildlife conservation in many parts of the world.

Other names

Amazona guatemalae



Northern Mealy Amazon

papagai farinós septentrional



tirkiznokapa amazonka



Amazone guatémaltèque


amazonka modra


amazoňan zelenkavý

Amazona harinosa norteña

nordlig mjölamazon

амазон гватемальський