Huon Bowerbird (Amblyornis germanus)

The Huon Bowerbird is a unique and beautiful passerine bird found in the high-altitude forests of Papua New Guinea. With its striking green crest and shimmering lilac-colored eyes, it is considered one of the most alluring birds of paradise. It belongs to the family of Ptilonorhynchidae and is the largest of the bowerbird family.

Male Huon Bowerbirds have a distinctive courtship display, building elaborate bowers covered in moss, twigs, and other forest materials. These bowers are a crucial part of their mating rituals. The males use these bowers to display their artistic skills to attract a mate. They try to outdo each other in creating intricate and eye-catching decorations. They carefully organize colorful flowers, snail shells, petals, and other forest berries in the bower, reflecting their meticulous attention to detail.

The female Huon Bowerbird is relatively drab in appearance, with olive-brown feathers and a white belly. However, she has an excellent sense of aesthetics, and she assesses males' bower quality before choosing a mate. Males who demonstrate their creativity and ability to build nest-like structures with natural materials are more likely to attract a mate.

Huon Bowerbirds are mainly frugivores, and they feed on a variety of fruits and insects. They forage on the forest floor or in the trees, and they are known to be quite cautious and wary of predators.

The Huon bowerbird benefits the ecosystem in several ways. Being frugivorous, they help in seed dispersal of various fruit trees in the forest. As they are a part of the food chain, they provide food for a variety of predators in the forest.

Sadly, the Huon bowerbird faces many threats, including habitat loss due to logging and deforestation. Additionally, they are hunted by humans for their feathers, which are highly valued for traditional ceremonies.

Overall, the Huon bowerbird is an extraordinary and intriguing bird that represents the lush biodiversity of Papua New Guinea's high-altitude forests. It serves as a reminder of the critical role birds play in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems, and it is our responsibility to protect them.

Other names

Amblyornis germanus



Huon Bowerbird



Jardinier germain

ogrodnik czubaty


záhradkár hnedý
