MacGregor's Bowerbird (Amblyornis macgregoriae)

The MacGregor's Bowerbird is a small bird that is known for its unique and fascinating behavior. These birds are found in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea and are known for their intricate bower building skills.

Male MacGregor's Bowerbirds are highly skilled in the art of bower building. They construct elaborate bowers on the ground using sticks, leaves, and other materials. The bower has two walls made of sticks, and the interior is decorated with bright and colorful objects like flowers, fruits, leaves, feathers, and other shiny objects like beetle shells, stones, and glass pieces.

Male MacGregor's Bowerbirds are also known for their charming behaviors during the mating season. They use their bowers to attract females by displaying various objects and performing courtship rituals. They will sing enchanting songs and dance while holding their wings outstretched, showing their yellow underwing feathers to impress the females.

Interestingly, each MacGregor's Bowerbird builds its unique bower with various objects, which makes it easier for the females to identify them. Females visit the bowers of different males, evaluating each bower's intricacy and design before choosing a mate.

The MacGregor's Bowerbird is a beautiful bird, with its brown and green feathers, black beak, and yellow underwing feathers. The male's eyes are a bright red color, making them quite striking to look at.

Due to the forest loss happening in Papua New Guinea, some populations of MacGregor's Bowerbirds have experienced a decline in numbers. However, conservation efforts are underway to protect this unique species from becoming endangered.

In conclusion, the MacGregor's Bowerbird is a remarkable bird that stands out for its bower building skills and courtship behavior. These birds are an essential part of the ecosystem, and preserving their habitats and populations is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Other names

Amblyornis macgregoriae



MacGregor's Bowerbird

arquer de MacGregor



krunata vrtlarica

lemčík oranžovochocholatý

Toppet Løvhyttefugl



Jardinier de MacGregor


Uccello giardiniere di Macgregor


rusvadryžis sodininkas


ogrodnik długoczuby


Золотохохлый садовник

Mekgregorova baštovanka

záhradkár zlatochochlatý

Pergolero de MacGregor


Kahve Göğüslü Çardakkuşu

садороб золоточубий


aranybóbitás kertészmadár

Namdur jambul-emas