Thick-billed Weaver (Amblyospiza albifrons)

The Thick-billed Weaver Bird is an indigenous species in the African continent, which belongs to the Ploceidae bird family. These birds are commonly found in eastern and southern Africa, and they are known for their unique and vibrant plumage.

The average size of a Thick-billed Weaver Bird is around 14-17 centimeters in length, and they weigh around 40-45 grams. As their name suggests, the most distinctive feature of this bird is its large, triangular-shaped bill, which is used for foraging and building nests.

Thick-billed Weaver Birds are highly sociable birds usually found in small groups or flocks. Males are known for their impressive breeding displays where they entice females for mating. The male birds will make a unique woven nest, which can be found hanging from a branch or located in a water reed bed. The nest is circular in shape with a small entrance hole. The male birds use long strips of grass, reed, and other soft plant materials to create an intricate cone-shaped nest with one or more incubation chambers.

In terms of diet, Thick-billed Weaver Birds are omnivores and feed mostly on seeds, insects, and fruits. They forage for food mostly in trees and shrubs using their powerful beaks. They are highly adaptable birds that have quickly learned to take advantage of human activity by feeding on seeds from cultivated lands.

While the Thick-billed Weaver Bird is not currently considered an endangered species, its population is threatened by habitat destruction, including the clearance of wetlands and forests for agriculture, urban and industrial development. The species is also captured and traded for their ornamental value, resulting in their decline in some parts of their range. Consequently, conservation organizations are engaging in conservation programs to protect this species and its habitat.

In conclusion, the Thick-billed Weaver Bird is a remarkable species characterized by its beautiful plumage and unique nesting behavior. These birds play an important ecological role in the African continent, and their beautiful presence is a true wonder of nature.

Other names

Amblyospiza albifrons



Thick-billed Weaver

teixidor becgròs



krupnokljuna pletilja

přádelník dlasčí

Tyknæbbet Væver



Amblyospize à front blanc


Tessitore beccogrosso


baltakaklis audėjas




Белоголовый ткач

Beločela krupnokljuna tkalja

zobanka hrubozobá

Tejedor picogordo

tjocknäbbad vävare

Kocabaş Dokumacı

ткачик білолобий


magtörő szövőmadár