Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus)

The Scarlet-headed Blackbird, also known as the red-headed or red-breasted blackbird, is a medium-sized bird that is known for its striking appearance. This bird species is widespread across the southern part of South America, found from Argentina all the way up to southern Bolivia.

This blackbird has a unique plumage with a bright red head and upper breast, transitioning to a glossy black color on its back, wings, and tail. The female Scarlet-headed Blackbird has a similar appearance, although her red head feathers are not as bright as her male counterpart. This bird species is sexually dimorphic, which means that males and females differ in appearance.

Scarlet-headed Blackbirds live in marshy areas where dense thickets or reeds provide crucial cover and nesting habitat. They are known to birds that are territorial and can exhibit aggressive behaviour towards other bird species and intruders, including humans at times. The birds feed on insects, seeds, and other small invertebrates, which they pluck from the ground or from foliage.

During the breeding season, male Scarlet-headed Blackbirds can be observed perched high up on reed stems, singing loudly to attract mates. They make a whistling sound, like a flute, that is unique to the species. Once a female is selected, the pair builds an open cup-shaped nest among the reeds. The female lays three to five eggs, which she incubates for about two weeks. After hatching, the chicks are born helpless.

Scarlet-headed Blackbird populations are currently listed as least concern, meaning they are not currently threatened, although destruction of wetlands and loss of habitat can still pose a threat to the populations in the future.

Overall, the Scarlet-headed Blackbird is an incredible bird species known for its striking appearance and unique song. Its presence in wetland habitats also plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of its environment.

Other names

Amblyramphus holosericeus



Scarlet-headed Blackbird

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