Yellow-browed Sparrow (Ammodramus aurifrons)

The Yellow-browed Sparrow, also known as the Yellow-browed Bunting or Little Mealy Redpoll, is a small passerine bird that belongs to the family of Emberizidae. This bird is mainly found in the eastern regions of Asia, such as Japan, China, Russia, and Korea.

One of the most striking features of this sparrow is its yellow eyebrow patch that extends from its beak to its eye. The rest of its body is brownish-grey, with the male having a brighter yellow patch in the spring breeding season. The Yellow-browed Sparrow is usually 12-13 cm long and weighs around 10-12 grams.

These birds prefer to live in the forested areas near rivers, marshes, and wetlands. They are mostly found at elevations between 600 and 2500 meters. They have a very distinct chirping call, which is repeated several times in a rapid burst. Their communication includes a variety of soft, high-pitched chirps.

These birds usually feed on grains, seeds, and fruit. They are also known to feed on insects, especially in the breeding season, when they need high protein to nourish their young. The Yellow-browed Sparrow is active throughout the day and can usually be seen hopping and foraging among the branches of trees.

The Yellow-browed Sparrow is generally a monogamous bird, and the breeding season starts around late May. They build their nests in trees or shrubs using grass and twigs. The female lays around 4-5 eggs, which take around 12-14 days to hatch. Both parents take care of the eggs, and the chicks fledge after about 10-12 days.

The Yellow-browed Sparrow is not considered globally endangered, but it is threatened in some areas due to habitat loss and fragmentation caused by urbanization and agriculture. Several conservation measures have been made to protect their habitats, including the establishment of nature reserves and forest protection programs.

Overall, the Yellow-browed Sparrow is an adorable bird with a unique appearance and a delightful chirping call. They play an essential role in their ecosystem by pollinating flowers, distributing seeds, and consuming insects. As human activity continues to impact their habitats, it is vital to protect these precious birds and their delicate environment.

Other names

Ammodramus aurifrons



Yellow-browed Sparrow

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