Gray's Lark (Ammomanopsis grayi)

The Gray's Lark (Ammomanes grayi) is a small bird that primarily resides in the arid regions of the Middle East, specifically in the Arabian Peninsula. It is named after George Robert Gray, a renowned British ornithologist who discovered the species in 1830.

The Gray's Lark is identified by its distinct physical characteristics such as its sandy-brown plumage with black streaks and the brown and white striped feathers on its back. Its tail is long and slender, and its bill is short and pointed. They have round brown eyes that give them a sharp and alert appearance. This bird grows up to a height of 15 to 16 centimeters.

One of the fascinating features of this bird is that they have excellent hearing abilities. They are known to listen for the sound of other birds’ calls, lizards, and rodents burrowing in the sand. When they hear these sounds, they move fast to prey on them.

Gray's Lark is known for their unique courtship melody, which is a sequence of short and sharp musical notes repeated over and over again. Males perform this song to attract a mate and establish their territory. The Gray's Lark is referred to as 'the singer of the desert', and their song can be heard for long distances.

Gray's Lark feeds mostly on insects and seeds and has an incredible ability to survive in arid areas. They can fly long distances in search of food and water and can go without water for several days.

Even though the Gray's Lark is considered as least concern species on the Red List, they are vulnerable to habitat loss due to urban expansions and intense agricultural activities. Several conservation efforts have been put in place to protect their habitats and prevent further threats to their existence.

In summary, the Gray's Lark is a fascinating bird that is well adapted to its harsh environment of the Middle East. It is known for its distinctive courtship song, exceptional hunting ability, and remarkable survival skills.

Other names

Ammomanopsis grayi



Gray's Lark

alosa de Gray



sijeda ševa

skřivan namibijský




Alouette de Gray


Allodola di Gray


namibinis smiltvieversis


skowron blady


Намибийский вьюрковый жаворонок

škovránok štrkový

Alondra de Gray


Gray Toygarı

жайворонок намібійський
