LeConte's Sparrow (Ammospiza leconteii)

LeConte's Sparrow is a tiny bird that belongs to the family Emberizidae. It is named after its discoverer, John Lawrence LeConte, who found it in 1825. It is one of the smallest sparrows in North America and has a distinctive appearance that makes it easily identifiable.

LeConte's Sparrow has a small head, a short and rounded tail, and a long, pointed beak. Its plumage is reddish-brown in color, with dark streaks on the back and wings. The breast and belly are buff-colored, and the sides of the head and neck are grayish. The bird's legs are pink and short, which makes it difficult for it to walk on the ground. Instead, it prefers to hop, and it spends most of its time among tall grasses and reeds.

These birds breed in the northern part of North America, where they can be found around wetlands, marshes, and swamps. They prefer dense, tall grasses as their breeding habitats such as cattails, reeds, and sedges. Interestingly, LeConte's Sparrow is one of the few species of birds that are adapted to breeding in open marshes without any shrubs or trees.

During the winter, LeConte's Sparrow migrates to the southern parts of North America and spends most of its time in the coastal wetlands of the Gulf of Mexico.

LeConte's Sparrow feed on seeds, insects, and spiders. It forages among the grasses, hopping along the ground, occasionally flying a short distance and landing back on the ground. They have a unique foraging style whereby they drop down the grass stalk while moving along it and hop up the next stalk and then down again.

Conservationists consider the bird to be a species of least concern, but it is still threatened by habitat loss due to reclamation of wetlands, development, and climate change. The bird's limited range may also impact its survival in the future.

To summarize, the LeConte's Sparrow is a unique and fascinating bird that is adapted to living in wetland areas. Its small size, distinctive appearance, and hopping foraging style are fascinating traits that make it stand out among other sparrows.

Other names

Ammospiza leconteii



LeConte's Sparrow

sit pardalenc de Le Conte



crnoprugasti strnadar

strnadec Le Conteův


LeContes Gors


Bruant de LeConte


Passero di Le Conte


Lekonto prerinė žvirbliastartė


bagiennik prążkogłowy


Луговая овсянка-барсучок

Lekonteov strnad

strnádlik lúčny

Chingolo de Le Conte

LeContes sparv

Leconte Serçesi

багновець лучний



Lekonta zvirbulis