Seaside Sparrow (Ammospiza maritima)

The Seaside Sparrow is a small, graceful bird that belongs to the genus Ammodramus. These birds are commonly found inhabiting salt marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. They are migratory birds and move to Central America during winters.

Seaside Sparrows have a unique physical appearance that sets them apart from other types of sparrows. They are small in size, usually reaching a maximum length of 5-6 inches and have a wingspan of 7-9 inches. They have a round body with a relatively small head, a short tail, and thick legs. Usually, the males are more vibrant in color than the females, and both genders have a pale gray appearance on their chest, throat, and flanks.

These sparrows are adapted to living in salt marshes, where they feed on insects, spiders, and small crustaceans that are abundant in the surrounding vegetation. They are also known to feed on seeds of various plants, especially cordgrass, which is a staple food source for them.

Like many other bird species, the Seaside Sparrow engages in a range of social behaviors, including singing, courtship, and nesting activities. Their songs are distinct and melodious, and they make use of them to communicate with other members of their species.

Unfortunately, the Seaside Sparrow population has been declining rapidly due to the destruction of the salt marsh habitat caused by human development and climate change. As a result, these birds have been listed as a "threatened" species by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, with only a few thousand individuals remaining in the wild.

Conservation efforts are underway to save the Seaside Sparrow, including habitat restoration projects and protection of critical nesting areas. Scientists are also working to understand more about the feeding and breeding habits of these birds to improve conservation efforts.

In conclusion, the Seaside Sparrow is a small yet vital bird species that play an essential role in the salt marsh ecosystem. Sadly, their survival is under threat, and urgent action is required to protect these birds from extinction.

Other names

Ammospiza maritima



Seaside Sparrow

sit pardalenc de costa



obalni strnadar

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Passero costiero


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Приморская овсянка (-барсучок)

Morski strnad

strnádlik prímorský

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Sahil Serçesi

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