Scaled Fruiteater (Ampelioides tschudii)

The Scaled Fruiteater is a small bird species that is found in the Andean regions of western South America. They are part of the family Cotingidae and are known for their vibrant and striking plumage. The bird's scientific name is Ampelioides tschudii, and it is colloquially known as Tschudi's Fruiteater due to its discoverer, Johann Jakob von Tschudi.

These birds are known for their preference for high-altitude habitats, and they are often found between 1,900 and 3,300 meters of elevation in the Andean cloud forest. They are characterized by their colorful feathers, which range from green and yellow to orange and red. This makes them easy to spot in the dense foliage of their rainforest habitat.

Unlike many other fruit-eating bird species, Scaled Fruiteaters feed mostly on insects and occasionally on berries. They are often observed perching in clusters in the treetops, where they will search for insects on the foliage and branches. Their sharp beaks and agile movements make them expert insect hunters.

Males and females have distinct plumage, with males sporting a brighter and more colorful set of feathers. However, both sexes share similar body structures, with a compact and round body shape, short tail, and relatively long wings.

Due to the high-altitude habitats of Scaled Fruiteaters, they are not commonly seen by humans. However, bird watchers and avid ornithologists who have ventured to the Andean regions where these birds are found report incredible experiences observing their bright plumage and agile movements. Unfortunately, habitat loss from deforestation and illegal hunting pose threats to these magnificent birds' populations.

In conclusion, the Scaled Fruiteater is an elegant and visually stunning bird that inhabits the cloud forests of western South America. They play an essential role in the ecosystem as insectivorous birds, and their beauty is a testament to the diversity of life on our planet. But it is also a reminder that we must continue to strive towards protecting wildlife and preserving their natural habitats.

Other names

Ampelioides tschudii



Scaled Fruiteater

cotinga escatós



ljuskasta kotinga

kotinga šupinkatá

Hvidstrubet Frugtæder

Groengeschubde Cotinga


Cotinga écaillé


Fruttaio squamato


žvynuotasis vaislesys


owocojad kusy


Чешуйчатый плодоед

Krljuštasta voćarka

ovociar šupinatý

Frutero escamoso

fjällig fruktätare

Pullu Meyveyiyen

плодоїд строкатий