Chestnut-crested Cotinga (Ampelion rufaxilla)

The Chestnut-crested Cotinga is a breathtakingly beautiful bird that is native to the tropical forests of South America. It is known for its distinctive appearance, which includes a bright orange crest on its head and a deep chestnut-colored body. The male and female birds have slightly different markings, with the males typically having brighter plumage.

These birds are generally found in the mid to upper levels of the forests where they feed on fruit and insects. They are also known to occasionally feed on small lizards and other small prey. The Chestnut-crested Cotinga's diet is largely dependent on the season, with more fruit being available in the wetter months and more insects being available in the dryer months.

The breeding season for these birds occurs between February and April, during which time they construct their nests in the trees. The birds will typically lay one or two eggs, and the young will stay with their parents for several weeks after hatching. They will gradually learn to fly and hunt for themselves before eventually leaving the nest.

One of the most interesting things about Chestnut-crested Cotingas is their behavior during courtship. The males will often display elaborate and acrobatic flight patterns to attract females. They will fly in circles, dive, and hover in the air in an effort to impress their potential mates.

Unfortunately, the population of Chestnut-crested Cotinga birds has been declining in recent years. This is due to a combination of deforestation and habitat destruction. Many conservation efforts are currently underway to protect these birds and their natural habitat.

In conclusion, the Chestnut-crested Cotinga is a magnificent bird that is known for its striking appearance and acrobatic courtship displays. They are an important part of the ecosystem in the tropical forests of South America, and efforts must be made to ensure that they are protected for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Ampelion rufaxilla



Chestnut-crested Cotinga

cotinga emplomallat coll-roig



riđovrata kotinga

kotinga rezavochocholatá




Cotinga à tête rousse


Cotinga crestacastana


rudakuodis ampelionas


andowiec obrożny


Каштановохохлый ампелион

Kotinga sa kestenjastom ćubom

chocholiar hnedohrivý

Cotinga cresticastaño


Kestane Taçlı Kotinga

андець рудочубий