Grey-headed Antbird (Ampelornis griseiceps)

The Grey-headed Antbird is a small tropical bird that belongs to the family of antbirds. These birds are predominantly found in the undergrowth of the Amazon Rainforest in South America. The Grey-headed Antbird is a unique bird species that is identifiable by its distinct features.

The Grey-headed Antbird measures around 12 cm in length and weighs about 15 grams. It has a distinct grey head, which contrasts with its brownish-grey body. The male and female Grey-headed Antbirds have similar plumage. However, the female is slightly paler than the male.

These birds are usually found in pairs or small groups. They inhabit the lower canopy and undergrowth of the rainforest. They are known to be very secretive and difficult to spot in the dense forests. The Grey-headed Antbirds feed on insects and small invertebrates such as beetles, spiders, and caterpillars.

During the mating season, the male Grey-headed Antbird performs elaborate courtship displays to attract a mate. The male displays by moving its head rapidly from side to side while giving out a series of loud calls. If the female is impressed, the pair will mate and create a breeding nest.

The Grey-headed Antbird is not considered a threatened species. However, their population is still vulnerable to habitat destruction due to deforestation and fragmentation.

In conclusion, the Grey-headed Antbird is a unique bird species that plays an essential role in the ecosystem of the Amazon Rainforest. It is a bird that is well adapted to its environment, but still, faces challenges due to human activities. We must take immediate steps to protect these birds and their habitats to ensure their survival in the future.

Other names

Ampelornis griseiceps



Grey-headed Antbird

formiguera capgrisa



gvajakvilska mravarica

mravenčík šedohlavý

Gråhovedet Myrefugl



Alapi à tête grise


Formichiere testagrigia


pilkagalvė devynbalsė skruzdinukė




Сероголовая славковая муравьянка

mravcovka sivohlavá

Hormiguero cabecigrís

gråhuvad myrfågel

Gri Başlı Karıncakuşu

покривник сіроголовий